We love working with passionate people

Our customers are both enterprise level as well as medium to large scale businesses. We work with all kinds of people, from all industries in all parts of the world - what matters is the common passion for what they do. We simply love working with people that cares as much for their products and customers, as we do ourselves.

Your technical partner

Phases can be your technical partner in different ways. We can take care of everything from design, development, launch and maintenance. We have delivered more than a thousand projects together in the last decade, covering everything from complex technology to simple, yet brilliant and powerful user journeys.

We also give our clients an easy way of outsourcing - simply leasing our resources, fulltime or even partially, while working digitally from our offices. We facilitate the resources and handle aspects such as software, human resource, activities and employment.

Get in touch with us and we'll help you with the best setup.

70 dedicated family members

80 dedicated team members

We strive for digital efficiency - consisting of 80 digital enthusiasts working together from different countries - always willing to learn and evolve. Phases was founded in 2011 and we have grown a highly flexible and adaptable team.

Have a complex challenge?

We are experts in solving challenges and finding solutions. Our team have worked with organisations from around the world and in many different business areas. The broad experience helps us to navigate you through the digital jungle.

Have a complex challenge?

Working with the best of digital

Helping companies to succeed with what we believe to be the best partners and platforms, requires us to strive for innovation and efficiency. Our partners are experts in building products and services that makes it possible for us to provide you with the most clever solutions possible.

We have helped businesses globally

Touching hearts and implementing technology that innovates has helped us reach small as well as enterprise level companies globally. Our teams work from our two departments in Denmark and India - let us talk possibilities
